Domain uses automatic collection procedures (cookies) in order to gather personal information such as the  browser type or operating system, reference page, path, domain ISP (Internet Service Provider), etc. all in order to improve the services provided. Cookies help us to tailor this website to your personal needs.

A "Cookie" is a small file that is stored on the user's computer and allows us to recognize it. The set of "cookies" help us to improve the quality of our website, allowing us to personalize each user browsing through our website. Cookies are now essential to the functioning of Internet, providing many advantages in delivering interactive services, navigation and usability of our website.

Please note that cookies cannot damage your computer and if they are activated then they help us to identify and resolve errors and improve the navigability of our website.

Types of cookies:

For more information about typology and use of cookies we inform you:


  • Taking into account the duration of the cookie (the time that the cookie is active in our hardware) we can differentiate the following cookies:
  1. Session Cookies: These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the site; these cookies are not recorded on the hard drive of the user. The information collected by these cookies is used to analyze traffic patterns on the website. Ultimately, this allows us to provide a better experience to improve the content and improve usability.
  2. Permanent cookies: These are stored on the hard drive and our website reads them every time you make a return visit. A permanent cookie has a specific expiration date. The cookie will stop working after that date. We use them generally to facilitate the purchase and registration services.


  • Taking into account the use of cookies we can distinguish between:
  1. Required Cookies: are cookies strictly necessary such as those that serve for proper navigation or to allow payment for goods or services requested by the user, or cookies that serve to ensure that the content of the web page loads effectively services.

Within the category of required cookies you can also find cookies for the following purposes:

  • To allow communication between the user equipment and the network.
  • To provide a service explicitly requested by the user.

In both cases we inform you that the information and the user's consent to the installation of the referred cookies are mandatory. Specifically, according to the Working Group of Experts from the EU, Article 29 of its opinion 4/20123, it has interpreted the exception among those cookies would aim to:

  • "User access" cookies
  • Cookies for authentication or user identification (session only)
  • User security cookies
  • Cookies to login media player
  • session cookies for load balancing
  • Cookies to customize the user interface
  • Complement -cookies (plug-in) to share social content.

For other Required Cookies which are not included in the above cases, the prior information and the user consent are required.

  1. Functional Cookies: These are cookies that help the user to have a better experience of navigating the site. An example of using this type of cookies are those used to store the browsing DATA  of a particular language.
  2. Analytical Cookies: are cookies that allow us to analyze the use of the Site, so that we can measure and improve performance.
  3. Advertising and Third Party cookies: Those used by social networks, or external plug-in content as well as Google maps cookies, advertising companies to publish relevant ads to their interests.

RIOJA VEGA, S.A.  keeps all the information collected through cookies in a non-customized format (IP address). This type of information obtained through cookies will not be disclosed outside of RIOJA VEGA, S.A.  , neither for unsolicited communications.

Appropriate privacy and cookie management:

If the user wanted to, the registration of cookies may be subject to its acceptance during the installation or update of browser used. The user may at any time revoke its acceptance by the configuration options of contents and privacy available in each browser. However, if the user does not permit the installation of cookies on the browser it may be unable to access to some sections of our website.

For more information about the appropriate configuration of cookies and activation options, restriction and  or disable them, you should check the help section of your browser to learn more:

  • More information about how to block use of cookies in en Google Chrome
  • More information about how to block use of cookies in en Firefox
  • More information about how to block use of cookies in en Internet Explorer
  • More information about how to block use of cookies in en Safari

Most browsers allow you to turn a private mode in which cookies are always deleted after your visit.

Depending on the particular browser this private mode can have different names. Below you find a list of the most common browsers and different names for this "private mode":

  • Internet Explorer 8 and later versions; InPrivate
  • Safari 2 and later versions; Navegación Privada
  • Opera 10.5 and later versions; Navegación Privada
  • FireFox 3.5 and later versions; Navegación Privada
  • Google Chrome 10 and later versions; Incógnito

List and description of cookies:

The table below shows the cookies described above and used in the website   :

Cookie Name Cookie Domain


(session, permanent)

Use of cookie

(Required-Functional-third parties/Publicity)

_utma 2 years Analytics Cookies (Google Analytics): Stores the number of views for each user, the time of the first visit, the previous visit , and the current visit
_utmb 2 years Analytics Cookies (Google Analytics):They are used to check approximately how long you stay in one place
_utmc 2 years Analytics Cookies (Google Analytics): used to see approximately how long you stay in one place
_utmz 2 years Analytics Cookies (Google Analytics): Sites from which a visitor came (search engine , keyword search , link)
_utmt 10 minutes This cookie is set by Google Analytics. According to its documentation is used to limit the request rate for the service - limiting data collection on high-traffic sites